Looking into taking up more fruits and veggies but don’t want to take the wrong fruits/veggies that will hamper your weight loss plans instead? I’ve put together this piece on the best and worst fruits and vegetables for weight loss.
Fruits and vegetables are essential to health and quite commonplace. Fruits provide us with enough vitamins, which act as an armory for our immune system to combat disease-causing germs.
Some fruits and vegetables are also high in calories – and can make you gain weight very fast if consumed in the right amounts.
However, most of us are looking to lose excess fat and must think that there are fruits that can be incorporated into our diet to help us achieve that goal in no time. You are absolutely right!
Just as there are fruits for weight loss, there are some that are a no go area if you want to achieve your desired weight and fitness.
Therefore, if you are serious about losing weight, this article has been put together to enlighten you on some of the fruits you shouldn’t eat as they will only make your journey much longer and unreachable.

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How Fruits and Vegetables Affects Weight Loss
Fruits and vegetables affect weight loss in different ways but taking the appropriate fruits and vegetables in the adequate amount and at the right time matters if you are serious.
There are times you should take fruits and vegetables and times you should not. There are some you should take in much quantity, some in lesser amounts and others you should not take at all in order not to gain weight.
Intake of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is connected with reducing the risks of many chronic diseases such as cancer and heart-related disease.
Substituting foods of high calories with abundant fruits and veggies is an excellent strategy towards achieving weight loss.
Irrespective of the types of diet one eats, the main rules of losing weight is that one must consume lesser calories than he/she exhaust.
Fiber and water in food reduce volume, thereby lowering energy density. Fruits and vegetables naturally have great fiber and water content and also have fewer calories as well as energy density.
People can consume diets with less energy density in a higher amount than diets with greater energy density, which helps them feel full for longer and quench the desire for food.
Is It Right to Eat Fruits and Vegetables for Weight loss?
In the issue of weight loss, eating a lot of fruits and vegetables cannot be exaggerated. The intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is vital to make a healthy diet.
They are a source of relevant minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that supports a healthy body. They should make up a part of your meal.
Vegetables are to be consumed at all time but fruits are to be consumed at certain times because of their excess sugar.
So, despite all the known health benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables, for some reasons some people opine that one should not consume them at a particular time when they are serious with weight loss.
Due to their vital nutrients, one may want to consume them always but you should know that you cannot have them at all times of the day. You must avoid eating fruits and veggies immediately after a meal.
Fruits and some vegetables are meals on their own so they should not be eaten together with a heavy meal.
The sugar present in fruits and some vegetables will ferment when digested with high proteins that normally take some time in its digestion.
Eating fruits and vegetables immediately after your meal is not advisable, as they may not digest completely, and the absorption of the nutrient may not be proper, so there should be a minimum space of 35 minutes between eating fruits and vegetables and a meal.
Fruits and vegetables should be consumed in the morning after you have drunk a glass of water. When you consume fruits and vegetables on an empty stomach, you will have a better result in cleansing your system, providing your body with a large amount of energy it needs for weight loss and different daily activities.
For optimal results, fruits and vegetables should be consumed first thing in the morning. After your breakfast, you can eat it an hour before your lunch, and in the evening after your meal, a minimum of two to three hours before sleeping.
Also, eating fruits and vegetables before taking your meal increases your fiber intake as most fruits and some vegetables are made up of fiber, which makes you feel fuller for a long time thereby discouraging random eating which is the culprit for weight gain.
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What are the Worst Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss
Fruits and vegetables are of great use when you want to lose weight, but there are some you should not eat or you should reduce their intake if you want a weight loss. Below are a few of them;
- Potatoes
Potatoes are high in starch and carbs (more than 36 grams), making them a terrible option of fruit or vegetable to anyone whose goal is losing extra pounds.
- Watermelon
It has many health benefits but due to its high level of fructose, it should be avoided if you want to lose weight.
- Coconut
It contains plenty of sugar, saturated fats, and calories which is not a good idea for weight loss.
- Pomegranate
It contains 39 grams of sugar, which can lead to weight gain, making it a terrible fruit for weight loss regimen.
- Mango
Mango is a delicious tropical fruit but do you know that a cup of the juice contains 23 grams of sugar? That is quite a ridiculous amount of sugar to consume at a go for someone serious about losing weight.
- Pineapple
Pineapple has low carbohydrates, low fats, and essential minerals/vitamins for promoting health. A cup of fresh pineapple parts contains a low amount of fat of 0.2 grams, and sodium of 1.7 milligrams, which is good for your health.
It contains 2.3 grams of fiber, 82.5 calories. It contains 22 grams of carbohydrates of which 16 grams is made up of sugar.
Eating pineapples like other fruits and vegetables has many health benefits but its intake should be avoided when you weight loss as a goal because of its high sugar content – and we know how effective sugar is in weight gain.
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What are the Best Fruits and Vegetables for Weight Loss?
Having talked about the worst fruits and vegetables to eat for weight loss, below are some of the best ones you can add to your meals or in-between to help you achieve your dream body.
- Grapefruit
Grapefruit contains just 40 calories and besides helping you lose weight, it improves blood cholesterol.
- Avocado
It is high in fiber and makes one lose appetite by causing, that ‘full’ feeling thereby consuming less food, which is equivalent to weight loss.
- Apples
Apples are stupendously loaded with fiber that makes a person feel full. It reduces the risk of long-term diseases because of its high antioxidant ability and it makes you lose weight.
- Berries
They are low in calories (about 50 calories) and are high in fiber. This combination helps the body fight unhealthy cholesterol levels, obesity, and weight gain.
In a Nutshell…
Eating fruits and vegetables for weight loss is a great idea, but one must be mindful of the ones to eat as some have high sugar, fats, and calories, which will add to your weight instead of reducing it.
Also, one should eat them first thing in the morning on empty stomach after drinking water, wait for at least an hour before meals, and never immediately after eating.