Viagra is one of the best-known erectile dysfunction drugs, but there’s a lot more you need to know about the little blue pill in order to use it properly, get its full benefits, and avoid unwanted side effects.
You might be thinking that taking Viagra will automatically give you a long-lasting erection that works with the snap of a finger and solves all erectile dysfunction problems but the truth is a little less clear.
Although Viagra has been shown to improve erections in men, it is important to know how to use Viagra for the best results.
If taken incorrectly, you may find that the “little blue pill” doesn’t work as quickly, as long, or as easily as you might expect.
Like other prescription drugs, Viagra works best when taken under the right conditions. From your mental state to your diet, various factors can affect the effectiveness of drugs like Viagra.
Understanding the optimal conditions for using Viagra can not only help you get a better effect but can also reduce your risk of side effects.
PS: You can instead of viagra, opt for a diet pill that is clinically tried for safer male enhancement and an enjoyable sex-life. Check out our review of some of the best natural male enhancement pills on the market.
Let’s see how to use Viagra for the best results.
How does Viagra work to treat ED?
To know how best to take Viagra, its first important to understand exactly how the drug works:
ED is usually caused by a combination of mental and physical health problems that affect the brain, hormones, muscles, blood vessels, and nerves.
Here are some of the most common causes of ED: stress, relationship problems, anxiety, depression, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hypogonadism (low testosterone levels).
When you are aroused, your body releases nitric oxide down – a molecule that triggers the events responsible for erections.
But an enzyme (protein) called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) breaks down certain messenger substances involved in this process, thereby preventing the desired effect. Now, this is where Viagra is introduced.
Viagra belongs to a group of drugs called PDE5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors that work as vasodilators by relaxing the muscles in the walls of blood vessels to increase blood flow to the penis, making it easier to achieve and maintain an erection.
It’s worth noting that Viagra is only effective when there is sexual stimulation, as occurs during intercourse. When stimulation first occurs, Viagra helps increase blood flow to the penis and then works to maintain an erection.
Viagra can’t permanently cure ED, but it can help in the short term and is safe to take every day if approved by a doctor.
Factors that can affect the effectiveness of Viagra
Like any drug, Viagra can be affected by other physiological – and even psychological – factors. Here are a few factors that affect Viagra:
You are not aroused

Viagra only works when you’re really aroused, so taking it won’t cause an erection right away. A good idea will be to look at your lifestyle, communicate with your partner, and perhaps seek suggestions for solving other problems like:
- Are you too stressed or distracted from work?
- Have you lost sexual interest in your partner?
Do you have personal problems such as body image problems, feelings of guilt, or other psychological factors that are preventing you from enjoying sex?
Alcohol and drug use
Alcohol has long been associated with erectile dysfunction, as have several other drugs. For example, alcohol can affect the amount of blood that enters your penis, so taking Viagra at the same time may make Viagra less effective.
In addition, alcohol and Viagra lower your blood pressure, which can be a problematic combination.
Check for drug interactions before using Viagra
If you are currently taking medication for a condition such as high blood pressure, it is important to talk to your doctor about possible drug interactions before taking ED medications.
Viagra and sildenafil have several potential interactions. It may interact with some medications prescribed to treat hypertension (high blood pressure), pulmonary artery hypertension, HIV, and other health conditions. Some of these drugs include nitrates, nitroglycerin, and alpha-blockers.
Viagra is a type of medicine called a PDE5 inhibitor, which means a type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitor.
It is very important that you do not take other PDE5 inhibitors at the same time as Viagra or sildenafil.
Viagra and other PDE5 inhibitors work by helping relax blood vessels and increase blood flow to your penis, but PDE5 inhibitors can also work in the arteries near your heart and lungs.
Taking Viagra with other PDE5 inhibitors or some medications can increase your risk of dangerous drops in blood pressure.
Before you start taking ED medications, it’s best to talk to your doctor and find out about the prescription and over-the-counter medications you take regularly. They can advise you of possible interaction risks and provide competent assistance.
You eat too much fatty food

As with oral medications, the rate at which the active ingredients in Viagra are absorbed by the body is affected by other foods in your stomach. Fatty foods, in particular, take a long time for your body to process, and this can slow down the effects of Viagra.
Drugs that cause erectile dysfunction
Several medications have been linked to erectile dysfunction, including blood pressure pills, prescription hormones, some antidepressants, and a number of other medications.
If you’re thinking about taking Viagra, but are also taking other common medications, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor to see if there’s a potential interaction.
The dosage may not be strong enough
Viagra doses range from 25 mg to 100 mg, although the recommended dose is usually 50 mg. If you have taken a lower dose and are not getting the expected results, talk to your doctor.
Do not self-medicate by doubling the dose until you speak with a trained healthcare provider, as an overdose can have negative side effects.
How to use Viagra for the Best Result
If your doctor has prescribed Viagra for you and for some reason you are unsure what to do, here are tips on how to use Viagra for best results:
Time is everything
Viagra should be taken 30 minutes to four hours before sexual activity but is most effective when taken 30-60 minutes before sex to become fully active in the body and have a noticeable effect on your ability to develop and maintain an erection.
The time it takes to be active depends on a variety of factors, from your diet to your personal metabolism.
Taking your ED medication too early before intercourse may not happen quickly enough because the effects of Viagra may also wear off and you may end up in an uncomfortable situation where the medication will not be fully effective when it is most needed.
Viagra usually works for about four hours and then starts to wear off. If you take Viagra pills in the morning for the evening, you may be out of luck. Be sure to use this ed medication 30-60 minutes before having sex for the best results.
Take the specified amount
Strong doses vary from person to person, so it’s always best to talk to your doctor about how much Viagra is right for you. Some experts recommend taking Viagra on an empty stomach, and certainly not after a high-fat diet.
However, other researchers have found no association between taking Viagra with food and the drug’s lower effectiveness. If you take Viagra regularly, it may be a good idea to track what is best for you.
The standard dose is 50 mg taken with or without food. Viagra pills are labeled with the amount of sildenafil citrate they contain: 25 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg. Your doctor may prescribe a different dose of Viagra for a person depending on their age or when it is needed or taken daily.
Get in the mood
As mentioned above, Viagra only works when you are really feeling aroused. Tell your partner that you want to take Viagra and you can both get ready for the “fun” later.
Take time to do activities you enjoy and create a romantic and relaxing atmosphere. Maybe prepare a (light!) meal together, light a candle, and take a shower together – whatever works for both of you. This ensures that you are both mentally prepared for sex.
It’s also important to take Viagra when you’re sure you won’t be interrupted. I’m guessing you wouldn’t want to be interrupted by your kids or by work during the fun part. You can save yourself for the weekend when you both have time or you can even think about taking a little break somewhere.
Plan ahead
Viagra usually takes between 30-60 minutes to turn on and then works for up to four hours (and often longer).
While the schedule can be a little tiring every now and then, it’s a good idea to remember roughly when to take your medication. After you take Viagra, there is no need to rush to calm down and enjoy the company of your partner.
Think about what you eat
As mentioned above, the rate at which Viagra is absorbed into the body is affected by the food you ate earlier.
It works best on an empty stomach. However, if you want to eat first, choose light and “healthy” foods. It’s not just the feeling of fullness caused by eating a big, heavy meal that leads to making love!
In addition to these basic tips, some other guidelines on using Viagra for best results:
- Avoid drinking grapefruit juice or eating the fruit – this can have unwanted side effects
- Strive for a healthier lifestyle – this medication works best in people who exercise regularly and have a balanced diet
- See a doctor if you experience temporary vision loss or an allergic reaction
- Do not double your intake of PDE5 inhibitors – for example; do not take Cialis at the same time as Viagra.
What to do if Viagra still doesn’t work?
If after following the above tips and find Viagra still not working, it’s worth talking to your doctor again, as they can choose to:
- Increase the prescribed dose
- Give them another erectile dysfunction drug
- Keep your health checked – maybe there are others
- Prevent the drug from having the desired effect.
Hopefully, you got the information you need from this piece. Be sure to check back as we’ll continually update you on ways to last longer in bed with or without the use of pills.